Mini Obsessions

I often get on board mini obsessions. Whether it be a brand or a product type, I get a little kick out of having a "thing" of the moment. It's really as fun as having a crush on the new boy in the office!

A mini obsession to me, is something that you might pine after, buy lots of, think about all the time for about 6 months to 2 years (I think beyond that is just a plain obsession). I have had many in the past, from anything glittery in my mid-teens, to brow products in my late teens and lip gloss in my early 20s. It's currently all about creme blush for me at the moment. I can't seem to get enough! That sheer, glowing from within touch of colour for the cheeks makes me drool at the thought!
I'm not sure what my next will be, but I feel the urge for a new MO.

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